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Plexus Financial Services


Quarterly Insights Newsletter 2024

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Quarterly Insights Newsletter 2024

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Quarterly Newsletter 2023 Q4

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Congratulations Pam Appell!

NAPA named Pam Appell to List of Nation's Top Women Advisors!
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Quarterly Newsletter 2023 Q3

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Quarterly Newsletter 2023 Q2

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Quarterly Newsletter 2023 Q1

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Quarterly Newsletter 2022 Q4

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Allison Winge & Pamela Appell Named to List of Nation's Top Women Advisors

Plexus Financial Services, LLC is honored to announce Allison Winge and Pam Appell were named NAPA's 2022 Top Women Advisors in the Captains and All-Stars categories.
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Cybersecurity Must Be a Priority for Plan Fiduciaries

401(k) accounts contain a plethora of sensitive personal information that can entice hackers interested in perpetrating identity theft and other forms of fraud. Because of these risks, it’s important for fiduciaries to understand cybersecurity and to follow established safety
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Quarterly Newsletter for Q3 2022

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Financial Stress in the Workplace

As the global economy continues to gyrate on an uncertain path, many are feeling increased stress regarding their finances. As of March, for example, total U.S. household debt was up more than 8% year over year, according to a study by NerdWallet!
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Quarterly Newsletter for Q2 2022

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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DOL Audit Warning Signs

Has your 401(k) plan been recently audited? If not, it may be a matter of time before the IRS or DOL will come knocking at your door!
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Fiduciary Liability Policies

What is the buzz around Fiduciary Liability insurance, and why do you need it? Did you know that as a Plan Fiduciary, your assets could be on the hook? Read on to find out how Fiduciary Liability insurance can help protect fiduciaries against breach of fiduciary duty claims.
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Plexus Financial Services Named to List of Nation's Top DC Advisor Teams

We are honored to announce that Plexus Financial Services, LLC has been named to the National Association of Plan Advisors' list of the nation's top defined contribution (DC) Advisor Teams with assets under advisement of $100 Million.
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Employee Education: 10 Things About Inflation

After decades in hibernation, inflation’s back. Here are the basics about this invisible thief.
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The War on Investors' Minds

Since the dawn of time, war and conflict have been with us throughout history, bringing with them their own horrors and uncertainty.
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Quarterly Newsletter for Q1 2022

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter here!
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Retirement Times Newsletter Q3 2021

Read our latest Retirement Times newsletter here!
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Participant Corner: Online Security Tips from the Department of Labor

You can reduce the risk of fraud and loss to your retirement account by following just a couple basic rules!
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Retirement Times Newsletter Q3 2021

Read our latest Retirement Times newsletter here!
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Retirement Times Newsletter Q2 2021

Read our latest Retirement Times newsletter here!
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Retirement Times Newsletter Q1 2021

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases their Retirement Times quarterly newsletter for Q1 of 2021.
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Should You Adopt a Plan Committee Charter?

The primary purpose of a committee charter is to document overall plan governance. It is not dissimilar to how your Investment Policy Statement (IPS) acts as a “roadmap” for managing your plan investments. The charter also documents delegation of fiduciary responsibilities from the plan’s “named fiduciary” to co-fiduciaries.
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Annual Plan Audit: An Auditor’s Perspective

This article identifies auditors concerns in areas of plan management that may lead to plan fiduciary exposure to litigation and regulatory breaches.
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Are You Hearing About Financial Wellness?

A financial wellness program can improve employee productivity, increase employee satisfaction, reduce absenteeism and even help cut down on stress related health care claims.
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To Roth or Not to Roth

Uncertain about benefits of allocating contributions to traditional vs Roth options? Check out this article to learn more!
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Four Tips for Increasing Your Retirement Dollars

Check out a few tips that can help increase your retirement dollars!
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Participant Corner: Budgeting for Retirement

There are all kinds of “rule of thumb” numbers floating around for how much income you’ll need in retirement, but they are just that — guidelines, not hard and fast rules that will necessarily apply to your particular situation. Budgeting for your retirement is a bit of a guessing game however clarifying your goals and expectations will make it easier!
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Beware of the IRS and DOL: Four Red Flags They Seek on Form 5500

Make sure your company is compliant by being aware of what the IRS and DOL look for on Form 5500 filings!
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Visualize Retirement – What Are Your Participants Saving For?

How can an employee know how much money they’re going to need in retirement if they don’t know what they’re saving for?
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Retirement Times Newsletter Fall 2020

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases their Retirement Times quarterly newsletter for Fall 2020.
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What Constitutes Proper Documentation of Retirement Plan Committee Meetings?

With most retirement plans, the fiduciary responsibility of selecting and monitoring the plan’s menu of investments is designated to a retirement plan investment committee. Decisions are made during committee meetings and from a fiduciary perspective it is just as important to properly document these meetings as it is to hold them!
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Are Your Participants Experiencing a Fee Imbalance?

Subsequent to the 2012 implementation of ERISA fee reporting regulations (ERISA 408(b)(2) & 404(a)(5)), the Department of Labor (DOL) began to consider the appropriateness of the allocation of plan fees among participants.
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Top Ten Fiduciary Responsibilities

Fiduciaries identify and serve the best interests of a retirement plan’s participants and beneficiaries. Here are 10 important responsibilities to keep in mind.
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Cybersecurity and Your Retirement Plan – Are Your Participants at Risk?

Plan administrators should implement measures to protect PII and their participants from cyber attacks wherever possible.
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Is it Time for a Plan Refresh?

According to a 2016 JP Morgan survey¹ nearly 75 percent of participants say they are not confident with selecting investments. The duty to provide participants with sufficient information to make consistently informed retirement investment decisions is a basic fiduciary responsibility under ERISA Section 404(a).
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Plan Documents… Save or Purge?

Most plan sponsors adopt an assumed “reasonable” amount of time to retain documents prior to purging them. Unfortunately, IRS rules may not always be complicit with what may be assumed to be “reasonable”
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Election Year Investment Volatility

Election years, with their uncertainty and increased emotions, cause anxiety for investors. Certainly, there may be short-term market volatility around elections, but what does history suggest?
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Participant Corner: Retirement Plan Check-Up

Encourage your employees to conduct a regular examination of their retirement plan to determine whether any changes need to be made. This is a vital practice that can get your employees closer to meeting their retirement goals!
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Ten Reasons to Roll Over Into Your Plan Versus an IRA

Do you have employees in a prior employer’s retirement plan? Are they wondering if they should transfer these assets to a personal IRA or into your employer-sponsored retirement plan? Review these pros and cons of an individual retirement account (IRA) versus consolidating into the current retirement plan with your employees to help them make this decision.
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Should your Company Implement a Student Loan Assistance Program?

26% of the U.S. workforce and 69% of 2018 college graduates are encumbered by student loans, with the national student loan debt total climbing steadily towards $1.6T! Should you implement a student loan assistance program? Read on to learn how you can help your current employees and attract new talent.
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It’s That Time Again! Back-to-School for Fiduciaries

Can you hear the bells ringing? It’s that time of year to review your to-do list of fiduciary responsibilities. Ask yourself these 15 questions to make sure you are on top of these priorities!
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Keeping in Compliance: IRS Tips for Plan Sponsors

As an employer, you’re responsible for keeping your company’s retirement plan in compliance at all times - but is your plan document reviewed on an annual basis?
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Effective Employee Education

It’s not always easy to know what your participants need, want or will take advantage of. Using a simple framework for your educational program may increase its effectiveness!
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Four Ways to Increase Employee Retirement Contribution Participation

How can you encourage your employees to save and save more? Get prepared with these helpful tips!
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Retirement Times Newsletter Summer 2020

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases their Retirement Times quarterly newsletter for Summer 2020.
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Are You Ready for an Audit?

Oftentimes an audit is a random event, which is why you should always be prepared. Here are some items that should be readily accessible by the plan administrator at all times the plan is in operation.
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The Evolving Workscape

Modern workers have new priorities. How can you keep them satisfied in the workplace? Adapt to the shifting priorities of modern workers to attract and retain the best talent!
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Summer Homework for Fiduciaries

As you bask in the glory of summer over the next couple of months, don’t forget the three Fs that define this cherished season — fun, Fourth of July, and fiduciary! While you’re enjoying the fruits of summer, don’t forget your fiduciary responsibilities! Ask yourself the following 15 questions to make sure you are on top of your responsibilities and liabilities.
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Are You Reducing Your Debt?

You’ve heard the phrase, “Slow and steady wins the race.” The same is true when it comes to reducing debt. If debt is a leading contributor to your overall stress, you’re not alone! Read on for a straightforward four-step method to help you reduce your debt.
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How Long Will Your Money Last?

The big question when it comes to retirement is, “How much money am I going to need?” With all of the advanced education and strategy tools available, it is still often difficult to understand the difference between what you can save for retirement and what is needed to retire.
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Six Easy Steps to Keep Your Plan Assets Safe

Cyber fraud is a growing concern globally. Individuals are typically very careful to keep their bank account and email authentication information safe, but they aren’t always smart with the rest of their personal information.
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Borrowing Against Your Retirement Plan: More Costly Than You Think

Borrowing Against Your Retirement Plan: More Costly Than You Think! Participating in the company's retirement plan is a smart (and important) decision. Smart because you are putting away small amounts today for a comfortable retirement later. As your account begins to grow, it may be tempting to dip into your retirement savings by taking a loan against your retirement plan to pay your annual taxes, repair a leaking roof, catch up on your everyday pile of bills and so on...
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Health Modification Can Increase Retirement Dollars

A top concern for individuals nearing retirement is out-of-pocket healthcare costs. A recent survey revealed that 74 percent (of 1,316 U.S. adults aged 50 or older) admit that one of their top fears is out-of-control healthcare costs, and 64 percent are terrified of what healthcare costs may do to their retirement plans (up from 57 percent in 2015).¹ Although the fear is clearly real, there is something people can do mitigate future healthcare costs.
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Participant Communication: Tips to Follow During a Turbulent Market

With the recent market volatility, it’s understandable that you may be concerned about your investments. Don’t be discouraged and most of all, don’t panic. Instead, be proactive!
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Retirement Times Newsletter Winter 2020

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases their Retirement Times Quarterly Newsletter for Winter 2020.
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Retirement Times Newsletter Fall 2019

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases their Retirement Times Quarterly Newsletter for Fall 2019.
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Retirement Times Newsletter Summer 2019

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases their Retirement Times Quarterly Newsletter for Summer 2019.
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PFS Executive VP Allison Winge To Present at PSCA National Conference

Plexus Financial Services, LLC Executive Vice President Allison Winge will present "Mind Over Money" at the annual national Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) Wednesday, May 1, 2019 in Tampa.
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MANNING MANIA: Plexus Financial Services, LLC executives Allison Winge, Pamela Appell and Keith Hamann met Peyton Manning at the 2019 National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) 401(k) Summit in Las Vegas this month. PFS champions customized financial solutions for each client.
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Retirement Times Newsletter Spring 2019

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases the Retirement Times Newsletter for Spring 2019.
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Plexus Financial Services, LLC is offering a paid internship this summer for college students want to learning about financial advising and retirement planning.
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Retirement Times Newsletter: Winter 2019

Plexus Financial Services, LLC Retirement Times Winter 2019 Newsletter is news you can use for planning a worry-free post-work life.
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PLEXUS FINANCIAL SERVICES NEWSFLASH: Evaluate Your Retirement Plan’s Analytics

Use Plan Analytics to Evaluate Your Retirement Plan --Your retirement plan is a valuable resource for your employees and serves as a vehicle to attract and retain top talent. Ensuring plan success is crucial. Examining plan analytics can help evaluate its success.
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NAPA Names Pamela Appell to List of 2018 Top Woman Advisors

The National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) recently named Plexus Financial Services, LLC’s Vice President of Client Relations Pamela Appell to its list of 2018 Top Women Advisors.
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PFS Participant Education: Financial Planning Basics - Part 3

Do you picture yourself owning a new home, starting a business, or retiring comfortably? These are a few of the financial goals that may be important to you, and each comes with a price tag attached. That's where financial planning comes in.
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Retirement Times Newsletter Fall 2018

Plexus Financial Services, LLC Retirement Times Newsletter is news you can use for planning a worry-free post-work life.
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PFS Participant Education: Financial Planning Basics - Part 2

Test Your Knowledge of Financial Basics How well do you understand personal finance? The following brief quiz can help you gauge your knowledge of a few basics.
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PFS Participant Education: Financial Planning Basics - Part 1

Watch our video about Financial Planning Basics!
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PFS Participant Education: Investment Basics -- Part 3

Plexus Financial Services, LLC announces the third installment in its Participant Education series about Investment Basics.
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PRESS RELEASE: PFS Leaders Named As Delegates to NAPA DC Fly-In Forum

Practice Leader Allison Winge and Vice President, Client Relations Pamela Appell of Plexus Financial Services, LLC recently participated as delegates to the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) Annual DC Fly-In Forum, an exclusive gathering of the nation’s leading retirement plan advisors.
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PFS Leaders Meet State Representative Roskam

Plexus Financial Services, LLC Practice Leader Allison Winge and Vice President, Client Relations Pamela Appell met with Illinois State Representative Peter Roskam, a Republican representing the 6th District.
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Plexus Financial Services, LLC is participating this week in the NAPA FLY-IN FORUM in D.C.
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PFS Participant Education: Investment Basics - Part 2

Plexus Financial Services, LLC releases the second part of Participant Education about Investment Basics.
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Retirement Times Newsletter Summer 2018

Plexus Financial Services, LLC Summer 2018 Retirement Times Newsletter delves into the latest retirement news and trends.
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Allison Winge Attends Institutional Investors Seminar

Executive Vice President Allison Winge of Plexus Financial Services, LLC is attending Retirement Plan Advisor Summit.
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Plexus Financial Services, LLC, retirement advisory firm serving clients across the nation, recently participated in the renowned PIMCO 2018 Defined Contribution Consultancy Survey.
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